Monday, 21 August 2006

Social Skills Improve Academic Success

Having taught school for many years I have witnessed changes in education and in children. When I began teaching French to junior high students in 1974 I had jam-packed classrooms with never less than 36 students, but I had few discipline problems and it was rare that a student did not achieve academically. I had support from home, kids who were excited to learn, and co-workers and administrators with high expectations. My French class was a part of a 9-week rotation for seventh graders who took Spanish, German, and chorus when they weren't with me. As eighth graders they could then select to take any one of the four courses of the rotation or pick a different, full-year elective.

When I finished my paid career in the classroom, I still had large classes with up to 45 students at one point (or more than 60 when I taught physical education), and most of my students were eager to learn (English at this time). I had great co-workers and administrators but in cases where students struggled and/or failed I almost always lacked support from home. The desire for their children to succeed through hard work, effort, and determination had vanished into "Just give him/her an A". This was not always the case but it was frequent enough that I trembled at the thought of these students moving on, out of high school and into the world of higher education or the work force.

After retirement I had time to visit classrooms of all ages and I noticed that socialization, getting along with others, being a part of school and learning, and the resulting academic achievement started the day students entered a classroom. I acknowledge that their development of social skills began long before this, in the womb and the early years at home, I, however, was only able to study kids once they entered public education. Children who come to school eager and ready to learn also, in general, know how to get along with others. Although extensive sharing may not have been a part of their early upbringing, they snag the idea and realize that sharing begats sharing, and sharing, in turn, begats friendship. Friendships build feelings of comfort and safety and comfort and safety construct confidence and the desire to interact and work as a team. Even extremely shy children, when placed in safe friendship situations flourish. They may not chatter as much but they get along, play, and connect with other students forming special bonds.

As students progress through kindergarten socialization opportunities increase and so do students' abilities to interact in them. There is time for work alone and independently just as there is time to work with partners, small groups, and whole class. This socialization is the foundation for citizenship and the skills necessary to cooperate with others, whether they are classmates, the teachers, or parent volunteers. This varied network of situations and encounters permits kids to thrive in diverse conditions and circumstances while honing social talents. Yes, some students arrive at school frightened, sad, and longing for home but given time and support they, too, can become engaged in learning and forming friendships.

Socialization is a key component throughout school that is linked to academic success and long-term happiness. It is rare to read of a child who is in trouble with the law who also knows how to make friends and to be a friend. Yes, there are criminal buddies of like criminal minds, but most children and adolescents just want a sense of belonging to something of value and importance. They may not be crazy about the study aspect of school, but I never had a student who dreamed of being a failure or a prisoner. Every child wants to succeed. While a limited few did end up on a path that led them in a negative direction, the vast majority just wanted a good life. And those who could get along, follow the rules (or adjust them as needed to fit the situation without harming others), ask questions, and exchange thoughts and ideas soared. Their ability to socialize play an important role.

Wednesday, 21 June 2006

The Third Vatican Is Desperately Needed

The First Vatican Council began on June 29, 1868. This Catholic system existed until October 1958. Its primary purpose was to deal with contemporary problems such as rationalism, liberalism, and materialism at the time. Next, the Second Vatican Council was started in January 1959 and primarily deals with equipping the church to more effectively re-evangelize the world through a language that the world can understand. Both councils have never fully addressed three prominent dilemmas of the church that remain to continue to this day such as the accessibility to the Eucharist, homosexual preferences, and a women's right to choose. Therefore, this document addresses these three problem areas of the church and also provides reasons requiring a Third Vatican Council. My reasons for such a radical change thus follows below.

To begin, the current state of the Eucharist is such that only Catholics can partake in its glory. This is extremely wrong. The main reason being that this is a violation of Christ's sacrament based upon Padre Pio's description of Satan trying to dissuade Jesus' sacrifice while he dealt with his agony in the garden (The Holy Rosary And Padre Pio, National Center for Padre, Pennsylvania, February 11, 1985). Thus not allowing all people to have full access to the Eucharist violates Christ's most probably wanting to have perfection over it. This added greatly to his dismay. In addition, Christ's institution of the Eucharist was himself significantly wanting all people to adore him by remembering both his body and blood not what miserably fails under both Vatican I and Vatican II. Consequently, it is for these reasons that both Vatican I and Vatican II fail to provide a correct offering of the Eucharist.

Next, homosexual preferences are also not considered correct under the conditions of both Vatican I and II. Individuals that are gay do not have access to the Roman Catholic Church. This is an improper stand because in my opinion I believe that these individuals, that desire a different type of sexual preference, should not be treated as outcasts of the church. Similarly, to the newly wanted change in the churches position over the Eucharist, the church should also maintain better symphony for these people because they cannot help their differences in a sexual preference and so they should not be held responsible or discriminated against. It is for this reason that the church must now institute a Vatican III proclamation.

Finally, a third Vatican must be implemented to care for women's rights. Although Vatican II condones women that are raped, the church now must change its position in regards to other aspects of women's rights such as birth control as well as its wrong stance on contraception. Birth control is definitely required in many third world countries because the issue of Planned Parenthood is needed to maintain a healthy balance overcoming overpopulation as an example. Thus, a Vatican III, if implemented, could more than properly address this situation. It is for this reason that I believe that a Vatican III is desperately needed.

To conclude, the newly elected Pope Francis needs to now carefully look at past failures of Vatican I and II due to its stringent policy and subsequently institute new reforms. These reforms are offering the Eucharist to all people and changing its position on how gays are treated and how women are treated. I will pray that the current Pope moves in this direction and I hope that you will join me in my prayer. What a wonderful improvement would be achieved if this new Vatican happened. Finally, what an incredible opportunity exists for the Roman Catholic Church.

Wednesday, 10 May 2006

Why IES Coaching Is Important to Crack IES Exams

Indian Engineering Services are considered as one of the most reputed services in our country. Whereas it is a direct arm of the Government of India, it takes the most skilled and confident candidates to break through this rock solid exam.

But, what does it take to crack such an exam? Is it the passion for the success or the talent and the knowledge, which is been earned in the four years program of Engineering? Well, to crack an IES Examination, actually it is not just one single talent, which can win you the situation, but it is a combination of many more elements, which can help any candidate to unlock his/her true potential to crack such task. But what are those elements and where they can be earned and learned? Well, for that every candidate requires the help of a great IES coaching institution, who over the course, has developed many raw students into an Indian Engineering Services Officer. But why this IES Coaching is so important to crack IES Exams.

Well, coaching plays an important role in any field of life. It is an external factor which nurtures and can supplement the individual growth of any person e.g. like diamonds naturally come raw except their luminance. Rest they need the skilled hands for its polishing and cutting. Upon the successful procedure run on it, then only they are available in the market for sale. So as like diamonds, even a brightest student/candidate needs polishing, nurturing and individual development which can help him/her to crack such Exam. Well, as we are aware of the gravity of the IES Exams, it is considered as one of the most toughest and high stress exams, where sometimes a very talented candidate can come across the failure. The reason could be anything like performance anxiety, recklessness or any other factor which can bring the candidate under the stress and thus the situation can turn into a disaster.

A good coaching Institute is aware of all such situations which can affect the performance of any candidate and thus over the course they have mastered the situations as such and developed the skills to troubleshoot them. And once you have joined a coaching institute as such, they can help you in developing those mastered tools and can help you in discovering the talent and strength within you, which could prove to be the boon in any situation of an IES Exam. IES Coaching is not only important just to crack the IES exam but also, they can make you prepare for the life after it. Most importantly, IES Coaching is like a helping hand for the aspiring candidates, who have the blurred picture of the Indian Engineering Services, where they lack upon the career choice opportunities with Indian Engineering Services, and thus, the IES Coaching enables a candidate/student to understand the prospects of the Indian Engineering Services and IES Exams, which sometimes can play a very inspirational role for some candidates.

Tuesday, 2 May 2006

Do We Live In A Far Smarter Universe?

There is a constant debate over whether or not aliens exist. The common argument against their being a higher intelligence is why have they not contacted us? After all, if they are so smart than I'm sure they can figure out a way to reach Earth, right? Well I leave you with this to think about.

When Christopher Columbus came to the new world, he was not interested in the ant pile he might have stepped over when he first arrived. He was interested in intelligent life, such as the Native Americans, something equal to him. They were his most fascinating discovery, everything else was irrelevant. So what if there is a much more intelligent civilization out there but they are only communicating with other intelligent life forms? They walk past us every day uncaring for our inferior civilization, and we don't even realize it.

It is like if humans were building a 100-story skyscraper, and sitting right next door was an ant pile. The ants have no clue that something far smarter than it are building something far more impressive than anything they can comprehend. They just aren't up to that level of intelligence.

Then you say, "Well we haven't heard any signals from space, wouldn't we have picked up some sort of communication between them?" That is kind of like if you walked into an office building with a walkie-talkie. You would turn on the walkie-talkie, check every channel, hear nothing, and assume no one is there. Of course you wouldn't pick up a signal, that's because everyone is using more advanced technology like cell phones and email. It's the same thing with a more advanced civilization. They could have some form of communication far more advanced than we are capable of picking up a signal.

Maybe there are aliens whizzing past us every day and we don't even realize it. Just like humans pass ant hills every day and the ants have no idea. They are simply not smart enough to know that a more complex being is passing it. After all, if aliens are smart enough to have successfully created intergalactic travel, than they are probably worlds more intelligent than humans, just as humans are worlds more intelligent than ants. They could be using some complex technology that we can't even comprehend. It would be like teaching an ant about the internet, the any will just never understand.

There is no scientific proof to this, just something to think about. We are as clueless about alien's existence as the ancient Greeks were about the Earth being flat and at the center of the Universe. Hopefully one day we will be able to sort it all out and learn more about the universe around us.